Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Why am I in what I'm in

I realized this weekend that I am not only in ultimate frisbee for the dance, but hockey too. I played hockey all freakin weeken, and the part that sticks out most in my mind, aside from perhaps scoring on a subpar goalie, was this one fancy-footwork bit on sunday at the btsh scrimmage at tompkins park, which this one girl on my mofo team called "tomskin" which the goalie of said team joked that she said 'foreskin park'. anyhow, A tall, quick athletic guy had the ball on the side and i was marking him , he was going to hit it into play. he kept faking me right and left, and i did that thing where my entire being is immersed in the play and i am putting forth all my energies to reading where he is going with the ball, reacting to each movement, and thus my eyes were on his feet, stick, and the ball (i have tried to focus on his center of gravity/waist/hips, but that flubs me up because then i dont knwo where the ball is going. besides, its safer to play ball than man here.)
anyways, I was shuffling and stutter stepping and juking all over the place all the while keeping myself (body, stick, and aura) as big and menacingly imposing as possible. i didnt pick off the pass, but that didnt matter, because i believe i had him challenged and scampering for an open lane. if just felt so satisfyingly exhausting to really be playing hard D like that.

yes, i am aware of my jargon use and beaming with pride inside that i am able to. if only here. but no, i use it in practice too. and i must. because learning to say "do you want in" instead of "do you want to play with us?" was a huge step, just like the michigan trip, the dormage, and the parental prenatal laparnassah honesty.

thats the dance. and in ultimate, same deal while marking. keeping a hard mark and good cover is so important, and a large part of the game that goes unnoticed and is not given enough attention. its about scoring, but not all about scoring. its about intimidation. and i want to own it.

blam. how wrong is it to accept being hit on by a married man?

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