Thursday, 12 February 2009

Dude, creating a blog... so fucking tender. I am overcome by the immeasurable joy that accompanies my current consumption of oreos with peanut butter. At long last, my buds are at it again, and I can taste phewd!

And Boy, is it good.

So I daresay it's a fine line between doing something so others see it and react, or think things, and doing something because you want to do it. (I know, - maybe you only want to do it so that the others will do said things...) But I don't particularly feel the need to defend my decision to 'cave' and create this blog. Perhaps it will moph into a Vlog. Or better yet- a sloth.

Still not sure which of my facets to brandish here. I'll let my nonexistent readers 'n lurkers do the choosing. That means, newbies, that you should comment with whichever of the following choices tickles your fancy:

1. Alternative Sports girl. Rough and tumble, thick skinned, always on the lookout for a pickup game of volleyball, hockey, or ultimate frisbee. Few other things interest her, save a couple of hapless quirks that scream "I'm distinct!"

2. Sensitive Pariah. Not totally sure what 'pariah' means, but this girl is soft spoken, somewhat shy, stands up for what is right, and sits down for what is wrong. She spends her time hanging out with the disabled population of the world. Has a penchant for autistic behaviors in the young and old, but especially the young.

3. Jew Cynic. Expletive that cash- guzzling Yeshiva education right down there where it belongs. For this I am what? Awash with enough guilt to last 3 priests-turned- molesters their lifetimes, I cringe easily and avoid crowds in the metro-area sans telltale signs of a Jewish presence in order to save myself from perishing at the hands of my self- inflicted ennui that pervades me without religious Jews to mock.

4. Feisty Perv*. After the sun goes down, or in the presence of males who dote upon her, she flirts ever- so- subtly- as to not alarm the pigeons squawking nearby. I can't say any more. Oh yes: has linked you to one or more of the following: frumteens, calmkallahs, tefillindate, kinkyshiduchin, you get the idea. I guess in that vein, she is inextricably linked (those 2 words have to be said in a pair, ya know) to #3.

All right, that's going to be it for now. I suppose to separate what makes me into the amalgam of cells I am is to compartmentalize for the sake of a lower purpose. I'm not sure if I want to be dabbling in that just yet. Nor am I sure what it means, if it means anything.

My fear now is that this has all been too much in the language of my own head and will not be understood by anyone. I guess it can't matter.

*Pretty risky to publicize here, but I may just leave it in for the shock value. Not everyone is privy to this persona.

1 comment:

  1. I recognize one and two, three I can imagine and four...hmmm. Four is interesting. Not altogether a gigantic surprise. I can't properly imagine it, then again most of my memories are a bit out of date.

    I vote for three
