Monday, 16 February 2009

Well, I didn't mean to "publish" that last post already, but I cannot figure out how to edit / continue my draft. So I guess I'll run the risk of being a blogaholic, but there are worse fissures.

On the way back from frisbee I stopped in a deli. That means bad news. I eyed the oreos, the vegan packaged dinners, the parfaits, the Reeses, and finally settled for the ole Yukon Gold Onion 'n Garlic Terra chips. Of which, by the way, I have never successfully purchased a bag of without eating it all in one sitting. I told myself I'd do it this time, but now that I'm at the computer with it, I know there's no chance.
Some things never change.

The bag of chips cost $4.50. Cash only. I sighed heavily and did the quick Cohen- considerations in my head that I have done and am fated to always do until the end of my life:

"A bag of chips versus 2.5 subway rides..."
"Decent good quality zesty chips"
"Is this emotional eating?"
"Is there something wrong with buying a bag of chips?"
"Recession prices abound, inflated costs cannot be avoided.


What does it all mean?
*Update: I finished the chips, and am now eating cabbage. "Yes, cabbage."

Onto important things.

Maybe for the summer I should make a pros 'n cons list about staying in the city or going someplace else.

-easy access to family, new and old
-established hockey playing opportunities
-ditto for frisbee
(sheep meadow, mccarren, wsp, a club team!?)

-been here done it.
-how we gonna pay the rent
-dirty sticky smelly rude

Somewhere else:
good because its new and all that goes along with that,
bad because its new and all that goes along with that,
sports opportunities? cool people? worthwhile job?

bee T Dub.
I hate that everything is bullshit, and only once you get a tiny foot in the door of stuff in the real world do you realize that words so often have nothing behind them. Some highlights:

-teacher exaggerating exasperation over technical difficulties experience in the middle of a class with one or more of the following: projector, slide, computer, wire, youtube clip (you know, for the 'with it' teachers that try to cater to our generation x/y/z/couch potato penchants) basically anything with electricity. And then of course all the students respond in kind with the obligatory burst of laughter, without fail, each and every time teacher rolls eyes, sighs, or cusses relating to the technical difficulty.

geez, guys.


  1. Like I said, Pringles.

    Technically $4.50 is 2.25 subway rides, but you are an English major so don't worry about it.

    Sometimes getting to know a new place is half the fun. Sometimes its depressing. It mainly depends on your outlook.

    If I had teachers, I might be able to comment on every paragraph. A shame I don't. Well, actually not.

  2. I am most certainly not an English Major.
    Where did you get that idea?
