Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Thank You... + Melba Toast

...Dearest NYULocal blog for heeding my tip and posting a bit of my humble words on your widely trafficed website. I assure you that you are the best.

Yesterday, on my way from somewhere to somewhere, I passed the Gristede's on University place and 8th st. Yes- the one that always puts up a welcome back NYU students sign in their door/window at the start of each new semester.
Anyhow, thanks to, and certain Gallatin comrades who promulgate minor-league dumpster diving here in the village, I knew that the pile of transparent garbage bags outside this particular supermarket is often one filled with fanciful loot. And this time, on a dejected walk home from NOT the town hall meeting, (See post below), I took a look-see. Right there on top was a bag filled with (and only with) sealed, fresh, clean, boxes of assorted crackers. Tomato basil bagel chips, garlic and plain melba toast, and Kashi TLC Cheddar Cheese Crackers. [there was also a lone box of chocolate/marshmallow/raspberry pastries, but they looked horrid and torrid.] I considered grabbing a couple of boxes, but then I realized I should just take the whole bag. I lugged it over my shoulder, and not half a block later, came across a (presumably) homeless man holding out a mangled and gritty paper cup. I dropped the bag of crackers in front of him and said "have at it." I didn't really say "have at it," I merely offered him some boxes of crackers. He obliged, and I went on my way with a lighter load to lift. At Union Square south-west, I laid out about 8 boxes neatly along the perimeter of the rim of the fence around the Ghandi statue, hoping someone who needed would find them, and took the rest into my room.

Would anyone like Melba toast or Kashi Cheese crackers?

I don't know why they were tossed, but there are no expiration dates, and I assure you I am as sane as ever after having eaten some. Just read my blog.

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